Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Poem

                 PIERCED HEART
My Special world
I will wear your winter coat the one you love the most
I want to burst out of love
Your presence instilled joy in me

My everything
There was a time I was scared of the word
When we wake up, you will kiss my forehead and lift me up for a spin
You gave me strength and power

My universe
I want you to be sure I will always be yours
When I found you, I saw your brown eyes
I felt I had it all with you

My heart
I told you to be patient; even kind
You wouldn't listen to my soft pleas
I could still hear my lost voice

My soul
I lost my soul to you
I could ditch anything for that soul yet it was gone
Why would they take you; death why?
You really meant the world to me.

This poem titled pierced heart is a love poem. At the beginning it can be seen that she is in love with him and wants to spend her every minute with him but then he falls ill and dies of the illness. She laments over the pain of loosing him. She compares him to the world. 

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