The joy you feel when they say hi to you, wave at you or just mere hearing their voice. Whatever moves you. Love is a wonderful feeling especially when it is mutual. I am not about to bore you with the details. As you read on, you will see why you should feel this feeling.
At first, it starts with one party trying to win the other party over, then the unending desire to speak to each other. Haha love is a funny thing, when this person makes you happy, you think about the person, you want to be with this person, you want to do everything to make this person happy without thinking about yourself. Oh how I love love. Yes! I said so. Like someone defined this strong affection "as an UNRESERVED COMMITMENT TO UNSELFISHLY CARE for someone" Wow is it not beautiful? Well, that's not all...
Then something sets in, the initial stage is gone and reality is about to dawn on both of you. This is not the time to panic but a time to be strong that is why i recommend every new relationship should start with the camera. Snap every moment, at least the ones that can be captured so when things start changing, when you look at the picture or watch the video and hear the person's voice, good memories will rush back.
Now when the little things that your partner does gets you infuriated, be calm do not cry or try to yell or say things to hurt your other. Most women don't forget words so be careful not to hurt your significant other, every woman loves attention and every man should be loved likewise. When you get to this stage, don't try to end it when you know you are still head over heels in love with this person. You know deep down that you want to grow old with this person.
You want to spend the rest of your life with this person, don't be scared just do the right thing. Staying in love is not an easy job. Lol I say it's a job because you have to work to make it work. You don't just say because I have her or because I have him then, he/she can do whatever i don't care anymore. No! this is the time to show the real love. Patience is a virtue and everybody should have it. Hey guys don't think i am talking to only women you men need to read it too.
Love is really beautiful when you are with the right person and you have the right to feel it.
I will continue on love and relationship. Make sure you check on to read more.
Photo credit: google