Individuals in and out of Syria, Turkey, Russia, South Africa, Paris, the U.S. even Nigeria and others are chewing lightly on the breast that fed them. The recent happenings is leading us somewhere and that is WAR!
Before one embarks on a journey, he should evaluate the cost and consequences of it's action/journey. If there is a clash between two countries, they should resolve it quietly and humbly. Pride and War are the devil's cartel in bringing to play it's darkness.
The soldiers running up and about shooting and refilling their rifles. Their arms can't drop to take a rest. Take pity on these men working and fighting for our lives and safety.
War is not the last resort in every situation. Like a man that his wife cheated on him, had him deported, took away his kids still had time to pray to God to forgive his wife and bring her back to him. Now that's love. When you love your neighbor you won't think of hurting him or her, you won't think of killing/bombing their concert, you won't think of kidnapping our girls. Love not obsession!
Why would religion be the problem? Why would envy be the problem? Why would greed be the problem?
Love yourself enough not to hurt yourself. When you love yourself, you would love others. Stop the threats. Stop talking too much and think. Stop the terror. Get busy. Get involved. Identify what the society needs. Be the strength we need.
Let's not use war as a way of escape.
With the recent happenings of the world, nobody cares and it's screaming one deadly thing. War!!! Don't do this to our unborn children. Don't do this to our generation. Let's live and not kill.
It will happen if we are not careful. Take heed lest you fall.